Smile...tomorrow will be worse!
Have you ever looked for something in one pocket and found it in the other? Ever had a set of two similar looking keys and always started with the wrong one? Whatever was Blaise Pascal thinking when he said that the probability of two mutually independent events occurring was 0.5? Ask Capt. Murphy, and he'll tell you that if one of those events is "something wrong", its probability jumps to 1.
No matter how you try to disguise it as the Second Law of Thermodynamics or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; no matter how philosophically you smirk when you euphemise, "The only constant is change"; there is just no escaping it. It has been stated in a variety of versions, using such sophistic techniques as tautology (If anything can go wrong, it can), syllogism (Everything in life is important, important things are simple, simple things are never easy), recursion (It always takes longer than you think, even taking into account this law) and Mathematics (Laundry Math:1 Washer + 1 Dryer + 2 Socks = 1 Sock). Its applications transcend all domains of expertise, ranging from Technology (To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer), Commerce (A pat on the back is only a few inches from a kick in the pants), Photography (If you can't remember, you left the film at home), Transportation (The largest vehicle always has the right of way), Parenting (Murphy's mother told him so) and even Graphic Design (Your fonts will default).
There's only one piece of advice I can offer...don't stress yourself out. There's no way you can out-think nature, for if n things are prevented, the (n+1)th thing will screw it. I think this statement sums it up best of all:
If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will.
PS: If you can, go through the e-mail exchange in the "Real-Life Example" section on the site.
No matter how you try to disguise it as the Second Law of Thermodynamics or Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle; no matter how philosophically you smirk when you euphemise, "The only constant is change"; there is just no escaping it. It has been stated in a variety of versions, using such sophistic techniques as tautology (If anything can go wrong, it can), syllogism (Everything in life is important, important things are simple, simple things are never easy), recursion (It always takes longer than you think, even taking into account this law) and Mathematics (Laundry Math:1 Washer + 1 Dryer + 2 Socks = 1 Sock). Its applications transcend all domains of expertise, ranging from Technology (To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer), Commerce (A pat on the back is only a few inches from a kick in the pants), Photography (If you can't remember, you left the film at home), Transportation (The largest vehicle always has the right of way), Parenting (Murphy's mother told him so) and even Graphic Design (Your fonts will default).
There's only one piece of advice I can offer...don't stress yourself out. There's no way you can out-think nature, for if n things are prevented, the (n+1)th thing will screw it. I think this statement sums it up best of all:
If Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will.
PS: If you can, go through the e-mail exchange in the "Real-Life Example" section on the site.