Monday, August 15, 2005


It is a luxury many of us are better without.
A dangerous pet: at once a snake that lashes out, or if chained, a leech that gnaws inwards.
A crimson tide that washes over your smiles and leaves them smelling of blood.
That taints reality and distorts humanity. That justifies itself and feeds on itself.
That paints love in the color of lust and vice versa.

What does it take to forgive?
Who will embrace fallibility and not look like he is giving excuses for his mistakes?
Who will open up to others' judgements, their expectations, and welcome them like one would welcome the neighbor's stray animals on one's doorstep?
Yet know better than to make them one's own?

The powerful write history.
They set the standards, they make the rules.
Will we be any less powerful if we do not live by them? Will we be denying our roots if we call History a bunch of lies?

Who will dare to be happy?
Who will dare not to judge?
Will dare not to call another a hypocrite because he doesn't see the same things as one does?
Will teach their children not to point fingers, but to look within and wonder?

It is a harsh friend, a ruthless enemy. A searing libation that lacerates the soul whether you drink it or spit it out.
Stop tearing at your own wounds thinking you are causing others to bleed.
Just watch. Just watch.
And wonder.


Your thoughts: 5

Blogger Random Walker said...

the powerful may write history... but it takes a real yogi to write timeless words...

the thoughtful flame in me burns in the shade of your words and the universal divine is justly served... making prayers or libations seem childish.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Gandaragolaka said...

I, on the contrary, respect the force of the anger, been drawn to it like a moth to a flame...

The fiery image of rudra (the very meaning of the word indicating the "roudra" nature) has fascinated, captivated and completely enslaved me over the last one year.

Do not know where this will lead... but this passion... this taamasa bhakti... cannot be crushed!

1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will (try to) translate some points from an interview of Sitarama Sastry. He talks about feelings, understanding and the message in his writing.

It goes like...

"The world is a mirror. When it shatters in front of you, in each of the pieces, you see yourself, not as one whole, but, in one of them you see your eye, in one you see your hand and so on. I may not like what I see in some of them, I may like some. But each of them is mine, all of it is me.

So, the point is, it is you who is liking or disliking something. It is in you that the feeling has taken birth. If you are angry, it is because, it is in your mind that you did not like something about somebody, not because the somebody is inherently hateful. If you love somebody, it is because your mind has made you like that 'something' in the other person. He did not ask for it. So, one can come to complete harmony with himself, when he tries to put all the broken pieces of the mirror together and see oneself in his entirety. It is when you question yourself that you find the answers. It is then that you will know whether your anger is making you powerful or
killing you"

How true.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Aakarsh said...


8:23 AM  
Blogger Random Walker said...

Bravo Vidya!

10:59 AM  

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